Today was ... -no idea what word to describe- but the day ended off good with a visit to strictly pancakes with two of my fav girls!But before that, let's talk about today. Was so tired! For no particular reason? Slept early last night, but i think its because the waking up @ 3am and falling asleep @ 4ish am made it impossible to wake up @ 7ish to go to Life for appointment @ 9am. I totally have no idea why did I arrange for my appointment to be at 9am, when on Thurs, school starts @ 10am! Crazy right? Could've slept for a hour longer, but nah its the other way round. I'd say appointment didn't go too well. Got nagged at by Michelle. Even so, she did talk sense and made me think. And ugh, miss seeing June... She's easier to talk to and I think she understands my struggles better. After that, rushed off to sch for 10am's lec. Mom drove and was talking about the speed limit issue which was kinda funny as we started looking at the speed limit arrow to make sure she doesn't exceed it. HAHAHA. which was, kinda hard to achieve. I mean, who can control it at all times? Hmm. And surprisingly, I wasn't late for lecture! hehe which was good, i don't like to be late:) but lec's boring and boring cause its all about pipc, the subject that I've completely no interest in. Sigh. This is bad, i know as sem test's just in a month's time! :O bleaaah. I like bmlc tho, even tho its hard. Hmmm. And break followed by a debrief which i totally forgotten to bring my notes so sat there playing w my phone and a three hours lab! Are labs supposed to be fun? Mmmm. Yay, what's next? Strictly Pancakes! Was actually deciding between SP and BFF but we decided to go to SP instead. Was a long journey there, and when we arrived... It was PACKED. Had to fill in your names on a waiting list cause it was fullhouse! Wasn't really expecting it to be so crowded! Haha, afterall, first time! Heh. But it was definitely worth the wait. :D the pancakes were good! And filling as well. Y, XT and I got the sweet one. Heh, and the looks of it was already... "YUM". And I saw Nutella MilkShake! So yes, I ordered that too. Yum. so good. Look at the pictures! :D Dinner was the best part of today. Laughed and talked about everything it was fun, love spending time w them. And the rest:) okay, till then xxxxx nights all!



Strawberries &Co.
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