Yes Happy Birthday Singapore! And thank God for this lil red dot! :) Heehee. What I love best about this... It's a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Been so tired lately, don't seem to have enough sleep at all. School's still as stressful, in fact more stressful as the exams are getting nearer. Seems like the workload is never ending and I dont know if i'd be able to finish studying everything on time. But I know God's grace is enough:) Anyway, I've met up with a few people! Went out with Sophia on Saturday for lunch @ Fish&Co @ Airport and we studied. Hehe oh and guess what? I saw Gulshan! Its been years since I saw him. He's working at Starbucks and its amazing how we've all grown to be more mature and moving on in life:) HEH. And yes, lunch that day was kinda... A challenge yet what I wanted. I chose to go to Fish&Co for the Fish and Chips! But when I looked through the menu, the thought came. "To order the safest" Well, and yes. It's tempting, isn't it? At least it was to me.(some incident happened before at F&C)but bleah, I went ahead with F&C. But then, another challenge popped up. I ordered NewYork's F&C but it was not available... So what? I could get something safe! But nah, I mean I did contemplate that but it won't help in recovery its just giving in to the voice again so I went ahead with the Danish's F&C instead! Not bad thou. :) And Sophia was great too! She didn't get a salad and that's amazing. It was super good, an accomplishment:) heehee. Well and yeah we went to study and talked a lot! It was really nice to catchup with her and we're gonna have food exploration trips! Had a dinner date with daddy too! @PizzaHut. He suggested that, so why not? :D And yes, that's the greatest accomplishment of the day. That made me feel really normal. I've not had pizza for a really really long time. Because of Ed. And that night, I conquered it. Without any issues or guilt. Oh with an additioal side of Drumlets. It was great, everything was great. Dad was happy too, so was I. And we shared the joy to mom! YAY everyone was happy. Its so opposite. Life changed so much. During the period of having Ed so strong in me, everyone wasn't happy. But now, because Ed has been disappearing and the real me is surfacing again, everyone is so happy. Including me. I mean YES. I can see that, how happy and joyful I am as compared to before. How the support and love I got kept me going and how God changed me and mould me. Things will definitely get better, ultimately. Anyway, met up with SL today! To.... study and have lunch. Lunched @ THE SHIP. I miss her!It was a great lunch:) and it was so funny, i was going on about "Ah hui,......" and she kinda puked out her water. HAHAHA. And lunch was really filling! Cause we had the set meal so it came with tea/coffee, soup of the day, dessert of the day. Afterwhich, we freeloaded @ Starbucks! Muhaha. Felt kinda weird cause I'd usually get a drink or smth but i dont think its necessary at starbucks:) So long as its not crowded its fine. Otherwise, just have to give up the seat and hunt for another place. And met up with Sherry toooo!! With SL. So yay they know each other now! Spoke to sherry for quite long till someone from her shop called, thinking that she dropped into the toilet bowl LOL. I miss her, so much. And it bought back so many memories! :) just miss it all so much. :) Guess where's our next studying place? WENDY'S. My first time there... K, i know I'm slow but whatever. Tried the M&M's twisted frosty! It wasn't that good:( I thought it'd be nicer. Bleah. Oh and as we were studying, there was this couple... PDA-ing. WTH seriously. It was gross and funny. We were pretty much laughing at them. Haha, what a good entertainment. Its now 11.07pm... And I've school till 5pm tomorrow, with a 4hours break inbetween. Gonna play badminton with the clique and YAY SL's coming over to TP! Wheeee:) &I finally went to Little PANCAKES YAY!.... photos time!

BBQ chicken supreme stuffed crust pizza


Fan of Big Breakfast

Peanut Butter Time

Something Blue

Fancy Delight Eggtarts

Cream Of Mushroom

SL's Main Course

Walnut cake And coffeeeee
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