Hello blog's pretty much not updated so I'm updating it now:) Friday yesterday, so as usual went to see Tina. All was good, like I felt really good after talking to her. Cause I was pretty much venting:/ Like yeah, too much kept inside of me, so just needed a listening ear and a support who could somehow understand since she helps patients with Ed. Heh. Went to meet LJ after that. Was quite a struggle actually. For lunch. Initially, was gonna have lunch @ Subway and yes I'd already know what am I gonna order and stuff, the Ed choice. Was really having a hard time especially when SL kept telling me to get a meal. But a meal was just so hard. So ended up, ate at Food Court instead. I guess its still a better choice than subway for now:) At least had a balanced lunch. Talked and yeah I rant too. Just ugh have so much to get off my chest! But did feel a little better at least it got so things off my mind:) But night time was screwed, super screwed. Sigh. Anyway today, met up with SM! After so so long! Lunched @ Soup Spoon and walked around Vivo City, talking and stuff. Had a good time! And after that, went home. So actually, there's not much to post about for today as well. Heh. But anyway, have something I wanna talk about. I really hate society. How fucked up it is, how much emphasis it is placing on being thin and stuff. Well, I mean girls do want to be thin, but they are like promoting thinness to the extent of "bones and skin", "skeletal". And people develop Eating Disorders be it anorexia, bulimia, BED. It just cause people to have disordered eating. Honestly, it wasn't meant to be like that. What's worse is some are trying to be one. I have one, and it does suck. Having to give up so many things just to hold on to Ed, thinking about Weight loss, calculating calories, being so obsessed with food, constantly weighing yourself and all those exercising, cheating methods, lying. Man, why don't they just see how bad it will get?! Some people want to recover, yet they can't cause they've had it for way too long its like implanted in them and stuff. That makes it way harder to become normal, to get well. I guess those who have eating issues and is really obsessed with weight and stuff do know about eating disorders(whether they had it a not), people do read up on it. And what are they doing about it? I hope they tried to get Ed out of their minds before they actually get diagnosed with an ED. It's unrealistic thinness people with Ed, including myself are going after when we were so sick and attached to Ed. But at that time for me, I didn't see it. I don't think I was skeletal thin. I could still see inches of fats around me. And that made me depress. I wasn't happy at all, life was at absolute pit bottom. Those who went through knows! It makes life so meaningless you won't actually see a point in living cause it simply reflects how screwed up your life is. How bleak the future is if it continues on. Yet its so hard to let go. And being that thin, is at the expense of so many other things. Studies, family, health etc. Which was never meant to be permenant. That thinness was not meant for me, for you. It was not. Accept that fact! That'll never change. Well true, you can be so so skinny, but its only temporary cause one day you'll get so sick of Ed and whatever shit it has been putting you through, you choose life instead. And you just end up struggling to get your life back. Ultimately, you will still be at that set point, where your body weight is supposed to be at for it to function. What do you gain out of it? Perhaps just minutes of happiness. The only thing. After putting yourself through living hell, nothing's changed, other than having some health issues which might be permenant etc. And not even achieving that "perfect" body you were dreaming of. Simply because your body, my body were not meant to be skeletal skinny. We're all just God's creation. Reality's harsh. People's words hurt, comments on one's appearance/shape/size affects one's self-esteem. Which can cause Ed. Mine started partly due to that. But what can we do? We can't control their words, just have to learn to filter it out. Hard cause its already been heard, yes it is hard but I guess it all about giving that little effort to try at least. Just a bit might make a difference. Honestly, no one said it was easy. Life was not meant to be easy, much less recovering from an ED. Don't try to have one if you don't. You'll just end up regretting cos' there's hardly any joy but tons of depression and sadness. I'd say for now, I admit I'm struggling. No point hiding it. Yes in fact quite badly. But I'm still trying to prevent myself from slipping back to how I was before. Ugh. And its just tough. Baby Steps would be fine:)
If only society wasn't so fucked up. If only people didn't strive for perfection. If only people didn't see the need to live up to others' expectations. Sigh.
God help meeeee
Blog Hits
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Hunger Games!
Watched the hunger games with mom and dad yesterday at i12 Katong! Had our lunch there as well. Heh. And I'm quite surprised that the korean cuisine actually sells brown rice as well! Healthy much huh. :) The show was good! And long. HAHAHA I can't sit down for over two hours, I have to figet here and there. Ugh. Its so uncomfortable just sitting in one position for an hour or more. Pure torture! After that, headed down to Compass Point as it was already about 5pm, so we might as well have dinner out too and yes we did. Haha, was really bored at Compass Point, there's nothing much to do there and nothing entertaining as well. Singapore is such a boring place. Probably because its just a small red dot, you just go round in circles. Can't wait to fly off soon! Yayness:) As for today, went for piano class as usual. My theory skill sucks. I swear it really does suck. Ugh, have problems with the notes. So have to memorise them. :P But overall, it was good! Mom cooked both meals today and it was really good. I love home-cooked meals, as I mentioned before!:) And today's been a good day, so was yesterday. Just tons of repeated thinking which are killing my brain cells. Oh yes, I hate sleeping at night. Keep having weird dreams here and there and it really freaks me out. Sigh. God, please let your peace be with me. I hate feeling so afraid, so uncertain. I need God, yes I know I do! Can't actually sleep well, not even for a night. How suckish. Ended up, I get so awfully tired during the day pffft. So screwed up!:(( KKK I've to go finish reading a book now baizxszx.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Every Nation Church~
Went to Nicole's church today! Every Nation Church. The pastor is pastor larry, and the sermon was good. To be hopeful and have faith. Active faith and not dead faith. Faith is really important, but I guess that not many of us can actually pass the test of faith from God. Its a really though thing as faith is believing in what is unseen. Who'd actually have the guts to do that? Well, those who have, really salute them. Ahhhh how i wish I could too. Faith as small as a mustard seed would do:) Heh. Worship was good too, all those familiar songs, were really touching and felt as it God was really near, speaking to me. So gained a lot of stuffs during sermon and learned lots of stuffs to. What's left is to apply what I learnt. Hee. And their service is held @ Gv Max! So cool, in the theatre. Hahaha, like a movie experience LOL. Had lunch @ Fig &Olive after that with Parents before heading home as this insurance agent will be coming over at 3. Now its going to be 6 and he's still here. Is there really so much to talk about? Honestly. Zomg. And hahaha, I still can't forget the silly thing I did on Tuesday! Things I did are less stupid but ohwells its crazeeee. :P Anyway probably staying home tomorrow to do some baking! Wooo cool. And yay can't wait for a week after, heading over to TW already! HOHOHO. So excited to leave SG for a while. This place.... Gah. And I failed the new challenge from the dietitian. Like I pretty much expected it. That's way tougher. Will be seeing her after I'm back so there's quite some time still. Heh. Okthat'sallbyeee:)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tired tired!
So hey, I'm tired duh. Slept only for 4.5hours before going for appointment at sgh yesterday! Thankfully I managed to catch some sleep last night. Heh. But still wasn't that well as I kinda got woken up by weird dreams and hence woke up pretty early:( But no idea why, breakfast made me so tired again and I went back to bed! So, Mom was wondering why was I so tired... And yeah. Haha, I must admit that I have irregular sleeps! Ugh and I hate it. Now I'm on another medicine to calm me down and help me sleep better. Ohwell hopefully it works. Went out with Mom to Greenwich today to collect her coat which was sent for dry-cleaning:) Lunched there as well @ Cedele! And I paid for the meal:) The service there was good too. Well, not too bad at least. Mom's Grilled Chicken Salad was looked really good and the pulm dressing smelled really good too. I had pasta as always. Hehehe. Then, we went to Cold Storage to get groceries for tonight's dinner. :) So Mom cooked dinner. Yes obviously. K, and I'm so happy I found my favourite vanilla bun there! Like AGAIN. Awesome much! Anyway, regarding yesterday... Went to see MSW, Dietitian and Dr NG. So, all went well! Saw two Dietitians, ailing and june. The session went well and got new challenges again and also to continue the previous challenges. AHAHAHA. I don't know if I'm up to it thou, for the new ones its so insanely tough I swear. Well, at least for me. Cause I did something so stupid on Tuesday for lunch.. So yeah its way too stupid to mention I can't even believe that I actually did that. Ugh. Well, seeing MSW really helped thou! At least for my family I guess. Like we managed to understand each other and Ed better as well. How to cope with it, how to fight the voice and stuff. So yay really helpful:) As for Dr NG, just a simple review to check if there's any side effects and blah. Haha, thank God all was good!:) Have to go to SGH again tomorrow, session with Tina and DP:) So yeah. Heh. Kinda excited! Anyway going for dinner soon bye!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Music is a joy:)
Hey guys, did some baking yesterday! Pictures are up on facebook heh. I'll upload them on my blog soon. Something's wrong with my USB:( And baked cupcakes, vanilla cupcakes. With icing and choco chips and some cranberries, flintstone's funny rings. Was really interesting, especially the decoration part! Did mostly all the decorations except for like 2!:) Glad to know that those who ate it said it was good so mom and I intend to try out other cupcake recipes as well. How awesome is that! And as for today, went for piano class. And today's a healthy day! Both meals home-cooked, yum. Sometimes, I think that homecooked meals make me appreciate food more, as its cooked with love from my mom. Can see the sweat and despite feeling tired, her effort of preparing dinner for the whole family. It just makes the food taste way better than those you get outside:) Had a great time during piano today! The teacher was kinda funny today, haha... Maybe something good happened to her. Who knows! Learnt a couple of new songs, and some not learnt but have to play it to her on Friday. Have a make up class this Friday at 430pm so yeap. I had better remember that! Music takes my mind away from reality, from the stuffs that I'm struggling with, from Ed, mood swings, imperfections etc. And I like it, I like to play the piano and enjoy the sound of each note:) Good news too! I'm gonna be taking Grade2 in two weeks time. Haha, jumped Grade1! :) And I learnt for just about a month or so, so yay praise God. Imma Hairpee girl. More good news! Finally managed to get my vanilla bun from NTUC after searching for it for days! Yay so bought 4 at once, just nice one on each day before it expires. :) Things to be happy about:) Heh. Anyway have 3appointments tomorrow! Early in the morning, starting off with the Dietitian @ 9.30, MSW @ 10 and Dr NG @ 2pm. Ugh whole afternoon spent @ Life. How Life-ly. LOL. Hope all goes well quite a bit to say! Hope everyone is doing good:)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Reflect, and think.
Just viewed a friend's tumblr and surprisingly, my mood is a teeny bit better. I have no idea why so but I guessed it made me think. And reflect. Well, apparently my life's a screw up due to Ed. Most likely, it caused me to defer my studies, withdraw myself and blah. Ofcourse I admit, some positive things happened in the process too. But the atmosphere was so so tense. And now, I'm still alive and well, living. The life God gave me. But why is it just so hard? Its madly tough. Insane. What is life? I guess its how I'd picture it to be. How'd I want my life to be? And what am I doing to achieve that? Probably nothing, cos all I feel like doing is rot away. Honestly, I know its against God's will. He did not give me a life to rot. And waste. I actually have stuffs that I'd wanna do now and in the future. -Travel around the world, hang out with friends, visit museums, get a degree in forensics science first, grade1-8piano exams done, recovered from Ed, help the less fortunate, baking, give talks about Ed bla...- Yet, I am just stuck here. Doing nothing like hey then how am I ever gonna achieve all those stuffs? That'd be impossible. No one can succeed by doing nothing... I need to do something. I need to be happy, I need to live my life the way I want it to be. It can't be screwed up just like that... Ofcourse not, but why is it so hard? So hard to take that step? The first step. What happens next? Its a mystery, the future is uncertain. Just have to walk in Faith and Trust in God, He will Provide For Me. I should just stop walling in self pity (sometimes), thinking so negatively about myself and stuff. It stresses me out, a lot in fact. All brain cells died from foolish thoughts LOL. I want to be someone, a friend whom my friends would think of when they need help, support and comfort. I want to be remembered as a friend who's always there, bringing smiles on others faces instead of sadness. I don't want to worry others, and I want to be me. What's so bad about being myself? But now I don't even know who I am anymore... ): Ughhhh. All I want is to be perfect. I want perfection I want to see perfection in me. Logically, its impossible cos no one is perfect and no one can ever be. What's so good about being perfect? How will that make me happy? Maybe not, not at all. I will just be wearing a mask and hiding the real me to live up to the expections of man, society. Does size actually matters? Will people remember me based on my sized? Whether am I anorexic skinny or obesely fat? Nah, they won't. Logical. But the world puts so much emphasis on the being "skinny", "skinny is perfect" and stuff, more and more girls are heading on to the destructive route. All just wanting to be perfect, overachievers. Need to THINK LOGICALLY. I have to stop condemning myself, it doesn't help at all. In fact just makes things worse, makes me feel worse. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically. No point as LJ said, so trueee. I want to be happy, I truly want so. I don't want to live the life that I'm living now, it's not fulfilling. I want to do something, I want to change something, someone. I want to be the person who can make things better thou it seems so hard. ughhhhhh:( I want to influence and inspire people in a positive way! So I have to be positive myself:) How can I help others when I can't help myself? C'mon Weilin, buck up. Change. Make changes, for the better:) My thoughts really do have to change, in all sorts of forms. Seriously... Its the most ridiculous thinking one could actually have ahhaha. K, its quite messed up, so yeahh. Whooops. Anyway I'm glad Tina'll be helping me on my self-esteem yay.

If you read, thanks for reading:)
If you read, thanks for reading:)
Wellllll yay challenge accomplishes:)
And hello, last week's challenge was main meal- chicken rice whereas snack- sundae. K, rather glad that I managed to get it done thou it was later in the week, on Friday and Saturday. I loveeee to procrastinate lol. Anyway, I decided on the hot fudge sundae instead of the strawberry one! Yay it wasn't as tough as I expected as in the guilt probably because it tasted ohso good. Yummmmm. But chicken rice, was tough. Seriouslyyyy. I haven't had that in like how many years! But still, I'm glad it was digested in my stomach hahaha. Ate at Tian Tian Hainanese Chicken Rice, its quite famous. Not bad too, the chicken is good heh. And so, this week, the challenge is of course still on. So yeah, gambatte! *inserts wide smile* And as for today, today's not a good day. Feeling quite down, felt really unworthy and all those negative pile of vocabs you can probably think of. I just feel, Lousy. In. A. Sense. Like, I'm not good enough. Not a good enough friend. Ugh. Anyway need to chill, bai.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Feeling so full now! Just consumed my daily 2servings of fruits yummm. Idk why, but everytime I have sweet cravings, nothing else satisfies me as much as fruits! So anyway, did some baking today! Baked pineapple tarts(again, i know) but its in a different form this time! This time, rolled the pineapple into a ball and wrapped it in the skin, and place it in the moon cake mold and tada! Knock it out. Hahaha and yes I do mean knock. It was stuck to the mold most of the time no one knows why. Some were out of shape, but well I guess it was still edible? Haha, have yet to try it. And, went to MacRitchie today with parents. Mom suggested, so went along with her. Thinking back, its beem quite some time since I last went jogging with them there! So yay liked the feeling of perspiring, at least I don't feel so lazy and definitely loved the feeling after the workout! Feels so shiok teehee. But my legs were so itchy, no idea but probably because of the mosquitos or something:( Happens to me all the time. Got a few mosquito bites too, showing how sweet my blood is hahahaha. Which is, uhm a good and bad thing I guess. x) Headed off to dinner @ Thomson Plaza after that and blah blah blah. Oh, and I skipped appointment with OT today! Don't intend to see her anymore as I don't think its actually helping much... So yeah, like a waste of time and money too. Well, anyway I'm happy that tomorrow's Friday cause I'm gonna have session with Tina (Y) Love talking to her, she doesn't piss people off with what she says haha and she understands. Just need a listening ear and some really good advices:) Tomorrow the maid's not coming over to clean the house as well, so will be going out with Mom after appointment. Yay. Probably can do some shopping at the same time too. Am glad. Hehe. :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Morning World:)
Today's a new day, so hope all will be goood. Well, at least hope for the best. Oh, had a rather good sleep due to the rain. Haha love sleeping when its raining, its like a perfect combination sort of thing. Its just so cooooling, and well i don't know why but it really works! Surprisingly, the medicine did not knock me out last night! In fact, I was really awake will around 1.30am before I decided to turn in. Kinda weird tho, the nightbefore I slept at around 8+ 9? What a jump. K, medicine's side effects are unpredictable on each individual >< And the rain has been on for a couple of hours already, wonder when will it actually stop. Hate going out when its raining! Bad time for outings but perfect time for sleeping. Heee. So today, Mom's gonna cook lunch! Will be having lunch with her at home since its just the both of us home today. Sis went to chalet and god knows when will she be back anyway. So yeah, but I like the idea of having the room to myself hahaha. And will be going out around evening time too, so yup. Meanwhile will stay home first before heading out later. Kinda sad I can't meet up with JieYing today since I'm going out in the evening. Like early evening x Haven't seen her for a super duper long time already! Ugh. Hope to meet up with her and some other friends soon hahahahaaha. Before my social network dies. Which might, pretty soon? Hope not. Gah. OHOHOH and oh yes! Last night, a CID Officer came knocking on the door and my dad answered the door! Quite surprisingly to see a CID Officer. He came and asked if anyone of us saw a man with Gold hair and I forgotten what country he's from but definitely not local. He didn't mention what did that guy did either so it kinda kept us in suspense... But he definitely did something bad LOL. Yes duh. Hope they get to him really soon, as he lures around the area I live. Quite scary. Eeks:( God bless the community!!:) And Everyone yay. And as I've got a couple of hours, I guess I'll start to do a puzzle-jigsaw puzzle. Hah found it in the storeroom, from Precious Thoughts!:) Will really occupy my time I guess, which is something really good. Well ok, that's all bye have a good day~!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Oh, the lady!
Watched "The Lady" today with parents @ Plaza Sing. It was a really good movie, no wonder the rating of 4.5/5! And yes, its based on a true story. Quite sad thou, as it showed the torture the burmese went through such as rape, massive killings etc. Humans can really be dominating and cruel, the cruelty of man, to prevent people from human rights. Sigh. K, anyway go watch that show! Worth the money. Plus its Tuesday and GV members only have to pay $6.50/ticket!:) YAY. Had lunch before that and oh, witnessed something today. First time. This 10 year old girl was experiencing fits and was vomitting. Her mom was helping her and there was this kind soul there too. Well, my mom called for the ambulance as well hehe. Singaporeans are helpful! It's really upsetting seeing the young girl go through all this, I'm sure she must've felt really awful. God bless her:) Hope she is better now! Well, made me realise too. Mom told me that perhaps she has asthma or something and maybe the food she ate triggered it that's why she vomitted and stuff. And I realised that yes, some people are allergic to many types of foods and all, but why are some people wasting/abusing? I'm one of them too. Why am I doing that? Oh, I know its wrong. Everyone knows its wrong. But the society is just so corrupted and fucked up, who'd actually care about all the waste? No one would really place much emaphasise on them. Humans are self-centered, well I guess most of us are. At least most of the time. Anyway, have so much to say and stuff. But ugh, forget it. Just leave that aside I guess. There's so much things I need to change, about me. Myself. ALOT. Way too much. A billion things I need to change. But I doubt it'll all happen:( That's trying to be perfect, isn't it? Which includes wanting people to be perfect. At least that One & Them. So yeahh... Impossible, no one's perfect. Well, acceptance is the way to move on in life. Stop, move on. MOVE ON. GOT TO MOVE ON WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT. AHHHHHHH. Maybe I should do a list of stuffs that I should really change- for the better duh which is more realistic. Or should I not? UGH. K, I think I should:) Hee.
Some motivational quotes!

Some motivational quotes!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Shin Kushiya!
Today don't feel like a Monday seriously. I thought it was a weekend LOL. Holidays till the days are all messed up hahhahaas. K so today morning, went to Suntec with parents to pay for the air ticket and stuff at the Flight Center. Yay everything confirmed so going Taiwan! So happy zommg can't wait. Oh but heard something on the radio today... Some eating place in Taiwan served the food with a 15cm long rat in it! Luckily the customer realised, and even so I bet it really freaked the person out. Imagine if he took a bite of the rat... Gross much. Ahhaah. After that, parents dropped me off at Vivo as I was meeting SuLynn heh. Took sometime deciding where to have lunch! German? Japanese? Indian? Hahaha, or maybe Chinese? And hmmm.. Ended up going for Japanese! @ Shin Kushiya. First time there! The place is quiet, and it has those peaceful feeling. Like a great place for a catch up and stuff. Service's not bad too! And the menu looks so good hahaaha oh they serve desserts as well, and the names and the pictures of them look really cute. Feel like trying them someday! I had Unagi Don, SL had Oyako Don. Both looked good and was really filling. So it was worth the money. Mine cost $16.80, and it was worth it as the unagi was fresh and they gave two huge slices! That adds up to like a whole piece of unagi! Rice was more than a bowl as well, so yummy. Well I was glad that I did not give in to Ed by ordering the spicy prawn pasta. I guess if I did, I'd prolly think about the Unagi that I actually wanted. Hehhee. Walked around and walked back and forth from Sentosa. Well nearby! And we broke up at about 4+ sadly hahahahahahhaahah she has class so I went home:) K, I fell asleep. I missed the stop. It was really stupid! I actually woke up when the train arrived at Serangoon, yet I continued to sleep when Kovan is just the next time and so I did not wake up and missed the stop-.- And forget it, I took all the way to Punggol and back to Kovan. Thankfully I woke up this time! Haha. Had home cooked dinner tonight! Mom cooked tom yum fish and yum. Wasn't spicy but had a sweet taste. With french beans which was nice too. Yay love it:) K, I had a good time out with her today baibaiiii:)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Mommy!♥
Yeap today's my amazing Mom's birthday so the family celebrated for her over dinner:) But first, parents and I went to Gran's place as some workers would be coming over to do some work at her place. But ugh it was a waste of our time as the workers were supposed to arrive at 10am yet they arrived only at 1.30pm! So dad and I decided to go to Changi City Point to have lunch and walk around first before buying lunch back for aunts and mom and granny:) Waited quite a while for the parking lot, but it was worth it as it started raining a while later! Yay thank god we didn't park at the plaza8! Or else we would've been caught in the rain hee. And had lunch @ KouFu with dad, blah blah and back to gran's place! It was kinda boring as there was nothing to do, so after reading, I slept:) Starting to experience the new medicine's side effects already. It's making me feel so weak and tired and all. Which really sucks. Can't seem to have enough sleep. Went home for a rest and waited for sis before leaving for dinner @ Nex! The rating for Dian Xiao Er @ Nex is 100% so we decided to go there. Mom said the food there is good, so yay off we went! Was kinda nervous initially as duck was a feared food. Like really scary especially with the crispy skin! And we ordered Mongolian Spare Ribs as well. With some Mushroom dish! The duck is the one with 10herbs, chef's recommendation! Portion serving is rather small, that's why they have 3 different sizes- small, medium, large. We got the small one for all 3 dishes! Oh, and fyi, I'd suggest not to see the menu if you are struggling with Ed and having your meal there as the dishes contains the calorie count. K, really triggering I'd say. I regretted really much after I saw and it was already etched in my mind! Screw it uh. :X After that, we wanted to get a cake from Baskin Robbins! But it was crowded and noisy since its open spaced so we went to Swensens instead. The ice cream there is pretty good:) Especially those crumbles yummm. Had my own serve of ice cream- Milo Indulgence. First time trying that if I'm not wrong hee. Was a really big step forward as I wanted to get the frozen yogurt which I've always been comfortable with! So yeah. But Mom didn't really want me to get that, so I got the ice cream instead. Its not a sin to indulge in it, right?:) Dad got the Celebrity Brownie and god, the brownie was heavenly! A little sweet, but nice and chewy:) With some -crunch- from the nuts! And it was topped with Ice cream, whipped cream and a cherry! My cherry was coated with chocolate bleahhh. xD Mom and sis shared the Chocolate Fondue, which looked really good too! Well, I guessed everyone had a really great time tonight, during dinner and dessert! Thou I did felt the guilt and all after finishing the entire cup of ice cream, but that's what I truly wanted so there's no point regretting:) So yay happpyyyy! Pictures up!
From Dian Xiao Er

Stir Fried Mushrooms with Assorted Vegetables

Duck Roasted with Ten Wonder Herb

Mongolian Spare Ribs

Celebrity Brownie

Milo Indulgence

Chocolate Fondue
From Dian Xiao Er
Stir Fried Mushrooms with Assorted Vegetables
Duck Roasted with Ten Wonder Herb
Mongolian Spare Ribs
Celebrity Brownie
Milo Indulgence
Chocolate Fondue
Friday, March 9, 2012
I'm Back!
Ahha, MIA-ed from my blog, whoops. K, so yeah I haven't been blogging for quite a number of days and it seems to be really long! Missed my blog:) So yeah, I'll up post whatever I can recall and ofcourse, the pictures. So anyway, went to meet LJ again today just that we met at Greenwich instead for lunch. Ate @ BBQ Chicken! Still remembered the first time I ate there was when I was attempting recovery and tried their -Fish&Chips- :) Well, different taste today. Ordered the Seafood Marinara. I've to admit, part of it was actually Ed's choice. If you get what I mean. Well, yeah. Ops. Hellyeah. And then, we headed down to Compass Point after that to get her hairband and I got mom her birthday present too! Yay so so happy and best of all she liked it too. LJ was my model teeheee:) Was worth it as well. So yeah, got it from Metro! She left before me, and I just hang around there for a while before heading home. Thought I was getting dinner that's why! But it turned out to be dad who'd be getting dinner for mom and I. Tsk. And Home sweet home. Lovely:) Oh. And now jumping to tuesday and wednesday! Went for piano class on Tuesday as usual but things didn't go so well after that. Some family issues. Sadly. K, was really sad. I was sad too. Well no need to guess, everyone was definitely upset. Overall, we're a family. All connected. Sis and I then decided to cheer Mom up by making her a really sweet card (hee):) Idk if it helped, but hope so! Then we went to cook our own dinner, for the very first time! Was starved by the time we were done cooking. Was already rather late x but yay dinner was a success!:) Served with kimchi yummmm. Ate while watching a drama in the room! Awesome much. And yeah, Wednesday morning, the atmosphere at home was hmm... kinda tense? Or rather, it felt really weird! But we still went to SGH for the appointment with MSW. I'm so glad we spoke to her, thou seperately. Teared of course, but all for the better. I don't really have any idea what she said, but all I know was that she really helped. And yay I'm happy. Happy girl since that afternoon. :) Best of all, haven't cried since wednesday. Talking about crying, my mood has been rather down lately. Won't go into details so openly but yeah, its pretty much unstable. I won't say its majority Ed's issues. Actually, its deeper than that. That's just the superficial part. Well, there's also some causing factors anyway! Just need time:) Everyone does I believe so. And I saw the dietitian June on Monday! Man, she really helped. Its really funny how things changed! I used to dislike seeing dietitians but now I feel like I really comforted when I see them! Especially June. She really helped me a lot on my journey, before and after I decided to recover (Y) So, saw her and had some homework! 2 of which- Stop counting calories (with some strategies) and -Challenge Fun food:) Well, did a structure and hopefully it'll work. At least till I see her in 2 week's time! *Fingers crossed*! And not forgetting the appointment with Dr Ng. Went to see her yesterday and guess what? Got a new medicine. Kind of expected it:( Got weighed thou, and weight will have to be monitored again as the new medicine has the potential to cause weight loss. So yeahhhh. :/ Hope it will help my mood in any case! ok... Its really a messy post. All days messed up. Gahhh ohwell. Yesterday, went out for dinner with family @ NorthPoint! We spent about an hour deciding on where to eat. Seriously! Finally ended up at some Japanese Ramen place. The ramen is not bad, but not that filling. Way better than Ajisen Ramen! Heh. Anyway, Mom's Birthday tomorrow! Yay, so so happy:) I'll update again tomorrow so stay tuned xxxxx
Lunch @ BBQ Chicken! TODAYYYY

Dinner @ some Japanese Place:)

From -Out of the Pan- @ Raffles Place!

Not bad, but prefer the one with the yogurt spread:)
This is from Lenas! Ate with Kwek:) @ NEX outlet.
Oh, and we watched "This Means War" that day too. Its a really funny show teehee.

I ordered the seafood pasta in black pepper base and she had breaded fish fillet. YUM. Black pepper is spicy! But worth it, might go back and try their mains another day:)
Next up!
From -The King Louis- @ Vivo City. Ate with parents!

Creamy mushroom soup!

Dad's Order- some baby ribs that came with potatoes and side salad:) The meat is really tender:)

My Order- Princess Sarah's Spicy Chicken Strips Pasta (Really spicy!)

Mom's Order- Pan-fried Salmon!:) #healthy
That's all. Was a really good meal:) On this was on Wed after seeing Sook Ming:)
Lunch @ BBQ Chicken! TODAYYYY
Dinner @ some Japanese Place:)
From -Out of the Pan- @ Raffles Place!
Not bad, but prefer the one with the yogurt spread:)
This is from Lenas! Ate with Kwek:) @ NEX outlet.
Oh, and we watched "This Means War" that day too. Its a really funny show teehee.
I ordered the seafood pasta in black pepper base and she had breaded fish fillet. YUM. Black pepper is spicy! But worth it, might go back and try their mains another day:)
Next up!
From -The King Louis- @ Vivo City. Ate with parents!
Creamy mushroom soup!
Dad's Order- some baby ribs that came with potatoes and side salad:) The meat is really tender:)
My Order- Princess Sarah's Spicy Chicken Strips Pasta (Really spicy!)
Mom's Order- Pan-fried Salmon!:) #healthy
That's all. Was a really good meal:) On this was on Wed after seeing Sook Ming:)
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