This the the korean Walnut Cake!
Blog Hits
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Post 121!
Haven't been posting for about a week. K I know, I admit I'm rather lazy to do so. Haha. Went to meet LJ yesterday at her place and she cooked lunch! It was good, had the korean maggie noodles which was QQ hehe. But we wasted quite a lot of noodles! I think its about a full packet ooops. Had a good talk with her as always and honestly, I'm quite surprised I feel rather comfortable sharing bits and pieces of my past with someone older than me:) I guess it all boils down to- TRUST. Takes a long time to build, but a second to destruct. Went to Compass Point on my own after that as it was raining, so yeah I can't go home xx Walked around Cold Storage and Popular hahaha and I saw the book "Unbearable Lightness". Was surprised tho, as I've never seen popular selling that book before! It's a good book really, kinda inspiring and its about Portia de Rossi's battle with anorexia and bulimia. Insightful:) Got myself a cup of froyo too, this time from Yogurt Place. Seems like froyo is becoming more and more popular huh, many branches and different flavors and all. Bleahh but its still good! I should learn how to make also >< Oh, and I watched "This means War" on Friday with G! Super hilarious. Really laughed while watching that show, like a good way to relax actually. Does help to get negative things off my mind:) Anyway, bad news. I'm really confused. Like hellyeah really. I told Tina about it as well and its like pretty possible there's a chance that I'd slip back to Ed again. I mean, it can actually be as bad as before. I'm lost. Like I don't know what do I really want. What's the best for me? Some many questions and hardly any answers I really believe. I really need someone to talk to, someone whom I can really trust and pour my sorrows too. Someone who'd always be there for me and is a really great help. Reread some of my previous posts and realised how far I've come already. Through the struggles pains tears and all. It's been tough. No doubt it might get tougher and all but will I get through it? Before there's peace? Ugh. Well, I guess tough times makes someone stronger too. But first, they'll need the determination and strength to carry on... Falls and falls. Just learn to pick yourself up. Am I to do that? Yes, I know what's right, what's good. And then, what next? Move forward, move backwards? What's going to happen in the future? Its uncertain. Well anyway been struggling today. Like yeah, just felt really low all of a sudden and had no mood. Negative thoughts all sank in and consumed my thoughts. The good me is being kept captive by the bad one. K, I don't really know what am I typing lol. As I was saying yeah I felt bad. But oh! I had some Korean little stuffs, like sponge cake. I think its uhmmm- Korean walnut cake. But only the white bean and red bean flavors have walnut. The custard one doesn't have! Neither does the peanut one have! Peanut is really dry, but the other three is richer in taste. No wonder the peanut ones is cheaper LOL. Bought it from carrefour, Suntec City. The korean goods there. Got the Rice Crackers as well, its good anyway hee. And I totally recommend the Korean walnut/non walnut cakes! Its not a cake but its named as a cake. Doesn't even look like cake. Haahahahha. It's really good and honestly speaking, addictive! I was so addicted to it. Initially mom bought 8-mixed flavors. And we finished it really quickly! I think dad only had 1! And we went to get 12 more, plus an additional 10 peanut flavored ones. And yeah, I had majority of it cause it was so good:) Couldn't finish lunch, had just a few mouthfuls. Too full from the snacks. And oh I'm so in love with kimchi lately. No idea why but it tastes really good, especially with rice! Tried the Radish Kimchi and I prefer that to the Cabbage one. Its crunchy!:) Oh, and sometimes, good times are temporary. Guilt sank in after a while:( Kept thinking about the tons of "cakes" I ate over a thousand calories like duh but heck. It's worth it bleah. Already digested, what can I do? Operate my stomach or intestines and dig it out? Haha, insane. K anyway probably going to Agape tomorrow with parents... Really afraid of the triggers I'd face there again.
This the the korean Walnut Cake!

This the the korean Walnut Cake!
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