Today's a better day compared to yesterday. Been feeling down lately so didn't have the mood to post. Well things are getting better? At least I hope so. Hee. Woke up super early today, at like 7.15am! Can't get back to sleep anymore so yeah had breakfast while watching city hunter! Its a really good show I'm addicted to it now haha:) 2 more discs to gooooo~ Anyway stomach not feeling too good, feeling so bloated. Well I think its because of my meals today, as in the timings. All at least 5hours apart. Its like so bloated now. Had lunch with mom today @ kovan's double spout! Had milano double beef lasagne. It comes with a bowl of potato wedges and a side salad! It was so filling xx they have so much potato wedges! Headed down to sgh after that for appointment with Sook Ming and Dr Sutapa. Talked with sook ming alone first, followed by talking to her and mom. Appaently, it was pretty useful! At least mom and I talked some things out and sook ming gave some advise. :) Then went to see Dr sutapa! Ok.. So my mood was bad, it crashed more than once in a week. I did restrict again and all, back to eating porridge and not even finishing them. So yessss increased dosage of the medicine to 100mg. Its the highest dosage I've ever been on! But good news! Next doctor's appointment 3weeks later hehehe. But still have to go back on the 10th I think, for another 2 appointments. Ok after appointment, Mom and I went to fetch dad since he's at home for dinner at NEX! Dad wanted to go kovan to have Thai cuisine but we needed to go to NTUC so yeah hahaha his wish wasn't granted lol. Dined at Food Junction and I'm glad I finished my portion and did not restrict even when mom ate fish porridge. Cause MSW said that ed has already controlled me so badly, i can't let it control my mom through me and slowly creep into my family and turn the whole house upside down. What do I mean by ed controlling my mum? It's like my mom or people close to me have to eat more than me and unsafe choices. If not, I'd either restrict or not choose safe choices and all. It's bad isn't it? And so, my mom had to sacrifice for me, to eat whatever unsafe food just to make me finish my meals. :( So yeah, they said its the ed cause before I was sick I'm fine with whatever people ate. But now I tend to compare, which is something so bad. I cant possibly be comparing with everyone around me right? That's ridiculous xx. Okay, so even though mom had porridge, I had Yakisoba with an egg! It was a challenge. Yes it is. Why? Because I saw the guy pour down a generous amount of oil and fried the egg on top of it, and it was given to me! OHMYGOD. HOW GENEROUS. But anyways, I still finished everything and I'm happy:) Went to fairprice after that to get some stuffs! Bought honey something cereals that has strawberries with it and 6boxes of honey stars for snack:) I'm so in love with cereals now that I don't bother calculating the calories of the amount I eat. I need to get that off my mind. I don't want to keep weighing food and using a calculator whenever it comes to food or shopping for food. That's simply crazy. Yes, it definitely is. I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow, but probably I'll stay home. Having a headache, and with the increase in dosage it might cause worse anxiety and worse headache:( But the maid is coming tomorrow to clean the house and that sucks. Hate having to be at home when she's coming. It's noisy with the vacuum:( Ohwells. Anyway picture of today's dinner!

Dinner, Yakisoba from nex:)
Gonna get my supper soon, bye!!!
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