Blog Hits

Monday, November 28, 2011

3/4 Way Through!

Yay I actually Did. Follow. Meal. Plan. From. The. Dietitian. Ok actually not completely, but still I did! Yay super satisfied with Breakfast, it was like I didn't try to throw away or whatever but ate everything down. Won over Ed for this~ Ok apparently I only slept for like 3hours+:( But yeah not really tired during the day though, it was only until mid noon that I got so sleepy. Accompained Mom to CPF central @ Taampines. So... Went there, queued for quite some time and then the person only gave a queue number and told us that we needed to wait for about an hour -___- So, we decided to go NTUC first to like waste time. Got Pancake Mix and snacks and milk and yogurt and blah blah blah. But we only took about half an hour, so it was still like a long wayyyy. Walked back there and waited, and waited and waited. But still, was waiting. Got really pissed with the waiting la. And Mom suggested we go get lunch or something first... But wasn't hungry yet so like nah. Oh And continued waiting. Ok its so stupid, really. But thankfully some numbers ahead of us were called but no one responded! YAY. Finally we got our turn and mom spoke to her and all. Then, we went back to Tampines Mall to grab lunch home as the new fridge was arriving today! Oh btw, it arrived already:) PREETTTTY:) Then after lunch SLEPT, Finally the tiredness was sinking in HAHAHA.
:) Having Home cooked dinner now!:) Ok, and plans for tomorrow. Will be going out with Mom to catch a movie and make payment for the baking classes! Signed up for it! Sounds so fun and a good distraction too:P Signed up for the cheesecake and macaroons one!! Cant wait for hands-on lesson on FRIDAY:):):)
Today has been a great day:) Hope it ends well too!

1 comment:

  1. GOOD JOB!Recovery is like learning Math, you think you'll never be able to figure out logarithms and algebraic equations but with PRACTICE, you start getting better and it becomes easier and you start seeing the fun!
    Sometimes you wonder why the hell you have to learn math when it's so complicated and useless BUT you still have to go through it, everybody lerans Math and though it might seem useless, in the future, you start seeing that you don't wanna be the only one who doesn't know that log base 10 is lg. Haha i'm so lame sorry:)
