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Monday, November 28, 2011

continue here!!

Still, commit to the process. Rarely does someone go from struggle to freedom without taking steps forward and backwards. In the end, you will be successful if you don't allow discouragement to overtake you. (hard!! but learning too) Give yourself time to make necessary changes.

Questions to ask yourself:
*Will you trust someone to help you?
*Will you share your thoughts no matter how stupid or embarrassing they seem?
*Will you face the painful hurts in your life?
*Will you deal with relationship problems and feelings of worthiness?
*Will you face the deception that you have embraced? (such as you are fat, no good, and lovely)?
*Will you allow God to help you let go of the false control you have and ultimately depend on Him?
*Will you agree to feel uncomfortable in order to get well?
*Will you stop trying to act in your own power?
*Will you tolerate failure?

Hope your answers will be 'YES' to the above!!

To be honest, some of my answers are 'not really'. Like i don't dare to say yes to some which i find it really hard to like accept.. But hopefully some day all the above will be answered with 'YYEEEESSSSS"!:)

What needs to change?
Your eating habits obviously. In addition, you must stop dieting, fasting, and compulsive exercising. Stop avoiding certain foods and classifying them into good and bad categories. You will also need to work on your thinking, emotions, identity, sexuality, acceptance, drive for perfection, relaxation, spiritual intimacy, resolution of past hurts, and family and interpersonal relationships.
Weight. Needs to be stale and appropriate for your height and body frame. Important to work towards this no matter how you feel.
Renewed thinking. Your thoughts are powerful influences of your feelings and behaviour. Most people with ed/body.image have very negative thoughts about themselves. Replace negative lies from satan with gods words!!!:)
Regulate your emotions. Learn to identify what you feel and regulate those feelings. People with Ed often react in extreme ways either too emotional or not emotional at all. A more moderate response is to allow your emotions to surface and not constrict them, or to learn to manage them and not let them manage you. All has to learn to contend with and tolerate bad feelings when they come, not avoid them. Learn to identify and express instead of swallowing them. Then confront the negatives in new assertive ways that incorporate problem solving methods.
True identity. EDs create false identities. YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU EAT OR DEFINED BY YOUR WEIGHT. Find your identity in Christ! God made you in his image, you are wonderfully made! Its scary to assert the real you, but eventually you will be comfortable with this. God loves you unconditionally and accepts you:):):)
Embrace your sexuality. Its a beautiful thing created but God.
Pleasing others. stop giving power to others to determine your worth. Doing and sacrificing for others does not make them love you more. There is a balanced between self care and caring for others that must be learnt. Just please God and follow his guidelines for living:)
Stop trying to be perfect. No one is, except Jesus. Its just a losing battle filled with anxiety. Perfection is unattainable. God still loves us:)
Relax. The more you can relax your body without using food, the better you will feel.
Tackle past hurts and relationship issues. (won't go into detail for this)

Freedom and transformation
Recovery is desirable, but Freedom is the ultimate goal. You don't have to go through life struggling with food and weight problems. You can be free. Allow God to do and move the hard work of repair and grieving loss. Nothing is impossible with God:)

Lastly, all of our identities are not dependent on what we do, how much we weigh, or how we look. We are all children of God because of what Christ has done for you and I.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped:)

Anyway hope you would have read till the end! I know its s really long post hehehe. But I really hope it helps if this is what you are struggling with! I don't deny that's a really tough extremely tough process. I wanted to give up on the route for lots of times already. But don't. Pick yourself up after you fall and move forward! Its not going to be easy but it will be worth it:) if you read, comment or email me if you wish!!:)

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